Like clockwork, you pay your insurance premiums to The General Car Insurance Company. You do it to keep yourself protected and compliant with Florida state laws and civil statutes. When you get into a car accident, you expect your insurer to be there and provide the coverage you expected to receive. However, you might be frustrated to learn that the insurance company denied all or a part of your claim even though you clearly have a right to the money.
That is when it is time to discuss your options with The General Car Insurance claims injury lawyer in Florida for pursuing compensation under negotiations or through a personal injury lawsuit.
The legal team members at Chalik & Chalik Injury Lawyers are here to help you understand how to file a claim against The General Car Insurance Company. The partners will work with you to discover every option available. Request a free case assessment today by calling (855) 529-0269 today.
Pursuing the Following Claims Against The General Car Insurance Company
The General Car Insurance Company claims injury lawyer in Florida at Chalik & Chalik Injury Lawyers can negotiate a claim on your behalf. If negotiations prove unsatisfactory, though, we will take your case to civil court and all the way to trial, if necessary.
There are several instances where you may suffer car accident injuries based on another driver’s negligence. We represent individuals pursuing the following types of accident claims against The General Car Insurance Company, such as:
- Hit-and-run accidents
- Rear-end accidents
- T-bone accidents
- Side-swipes
- SUV rollover accidents
Typically, these accidents involve some form of negligence on behalf of the other driver. Negligence defines itself as the failure of another driver to exercise his or her duty of care toward pedestrians and motorists on the roadway.
The following behaviors by another driver may cause him or her to hit your vehicle:
- Distracted driving
- Speeding
- Drunk or drugged driving
- Failure to yield
- Texting
- Poor vehicle maintenance
The General Car Insurance Company must provide the coverage for which you are paying. You do not have to pay for an accident you did not cause. Speaking with an attorney can help you understand your options for financial compensation.
If you or a loved one sustained injuries or loss of life, The General Car Insurance claim lawyer in Florida at Chalik & Chalik Injury Lawyers can help. Contact our office for a free, no-obligation case assessment by calling (855) 529-0269 today.
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(855) 529-0269When To Sue The General Car Insurance Company
Florida is known as a “no-fault” insurance provider state. This concept leads to the requirement that each motorist must possess at least $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. If an accident occurs, drivers must file a claim with their insurance no matter who is at fault.
Theoretically, PIP insurance must cover your medical expenses related to your accident injuries. However, the coverage provided by The General Car Insurance Company may not be enough, which means you will then file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against the other driver’s insurance company.
While we like to think that the General Car Insurance Company will be there when we need it, it is not always the case. Paperwork gets lost or misfiled, an adjuster makes an assessment that is less than what is needed, people make mistakes and things happen, but you do not have to accept that. You have a right to the insurance coverage you paid to receive.
Resolving these cases can be complex. If you find that The General is refusing to pay, the next step is speaking with a lawyer to help you obtain financial compensation under his or her representation. He or she can file a lawsuit on your behalf if The General still refuses to pay.
Chalik & Chalik The General Car Insurance Claim Lawyer Near Me
(855) 529-0269Compensation Available for The General Car Insurance Lawsuit
There is financial compensation in Florida for your emotional, mental, and physical losses. Since car accidents and subsequent injuries vary, the amount of payment you can expect to receive hinges upon the details of your case and the type of lawsuit you are filing.
Typically, the most common types of lawsuits filed against The General Car Insurance Company fall under the area of personal injury or wrongful death law. Therefore, your lawyer may recommend a compensation strategy based on your filing.
In general, you can file a claim against The General Car Insurance Company for the following types of losses:
- Medical costs
- Anticipated future medical expenses
- Lost earning capacity
- Lost benefits and wages, if you cannot work
- Physical pain and suffering
- Mental anguish
- Loss of life
- Loss of companionship
- And more
The General car accident claims lawyer you hire will review the details of your case and investigate to uncover all of the losses you sustained. He or she will document and gather the evidence necessary to go after insurance coverage against The General. You do not have to accept an unfair offer.
In addition to compensation, we will ensure that your case meets the relevant deadlines by which it must follow. Florida statute §95.11 is a statute of limitations, or time limit, on your ability to file a claim, which means that hiring The General Insurance claims lawyer in Florida is the most practical and straightforward way to avoid missing these critical deadlines.
Click to contact Chalik & Chalik's The General Car Insurance Claim Lawyer today
Chalik & Chalik Injury Lawyers Protects Your Rights Against The General Car Insurance Company
The General Car Insurance Company must provide you with the coverage you pay for, and you do not have to agree to a sub-par offer. The General Car Insurance Claims Injury Lawyer In Florida can help you understand your rights while going after the money that you deserve. Contact Chalik & Chalik Injury Lawyers at (855) 529-0269 today for a free case assessment.
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