In the United States, almost 30 people die every day in car accidents caused by drunk drivers. This is the equivalent of a fatality every 51 minutes. Alcohol-related collisions have an annual cost of more than $59 billion.
Drunk driving is of particular concern during the holidays. Nearly half of all highway deaths on Jan. 1 involve alcohol. Thanksgiving and Christmas also have high rates of traffic fatalities, with alcohol a major factor.
Safety experts say that there are several effective measures that can be taken to prevent deaths and injuries from car accidents caused by impaired driving. Experts say that it is essential that existing 0.08 percent blood alcohol content (BAC) laws be strictly enforced, as well as minimum legal drinking age laws and state zero tolerance laws for drivers under the age of 21. In addition, law enforcement officials conduct additional operations to enforce drunk driving laws during the holidays.
Drivers can protect themselves in several ways. First, ensure that you are not driving impaired, by planning ahead for a designated driver. Also, be aware of times when drunk drivers may be on the road, including late at night and on holidays, and take extra precautions. Make sure your holidays are happy and safe.
In most accident cases, fault is clearly established because one of the drivers failed to obey a traffic law or rear-ended the other vehicle. However, when the driver has suffered a medical emergency, liability is not so simple. Most states recognize the “sudden medical emergency” defense in a car accident. The thought is that the...
When a car slides, usually on a wet surface, it is called hydroplaning. While hydroplaning can occur on any wet surface, the most dangerous time is within 10 minutes of the rain beginning. The cause of hydroplaning is when the tires encounter more water than it can effectively scatter. Pressure from the water in front...
Although there have been significant safety improvements to make tractor-trailers safer on American roadways, they still are involved in a rising number of accidents. Most of the time, drivers and passengers in passenger vehicles suffer serious injuries and death when involved in an accident with a tractor-trailer. However, it should be noted that a good...
One of the most common causes of accidents at intersections is failure to yield. In general, each state has its own laws on who has the right of way in a situation. Failure to cede to the vehicle with the right of way can lead to a citation for failure to yield. In most cases,...
Last week was National Teen Driver Safety Week, but it’s not too late to have a talk with your teens about driver safety. Specifically, here are some facts you need to know about teenage texting and driving. Teen Drivers Already Face an Increased Risk of Having a Car Accident Teen drivers, even before texting is...
Any car accident is dangerous, but one few people consider is driving into a body of water. According to a November 8, 2014 article in the Orlando Sentinel, more people drown in cars in Florida than in any other state. Car Accident Drownings Data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration cites Florida as the...
A study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that mistakes on the part of drivers are the cause of 94 percent of all car accidents, and about 87 percent of drivers engage in unsafe behaviors. Meanwhile, the number of deaths from car accidents has risen sharply. In 2015, there were 38,300 fatalities and...
The constant busy schedule that many Americans keep is one of the leading reasons why so many drivers eat behind the wheel. Many drivers do not realize that eating at the wheel is considered distracted driving, but it is. The government reports that distracted driving causes 80% of accidents, according to a news report from...
Many car accident settlements are confidential. Only the involved parties, including the injured claimant, their legal team, and the liable insurer, know a case’s outcome. While the outcomes of court cases are public record, the outcomes of insurance claims are not. So, no one’s quite sure what the average settlement for a car accident is....
If your Uber driver gets into an accident in Florida, it is possible that they may be liable for your damages. Initially, we would seek compensation through your Florida no-fault insurance policy. However, if your damages exceed the $10,000 maximum coverage allowable under a Florida no-fault policy, we would then seek compensation from the at-fault...
Farmers Insurance may deny a claim for various reasons, but you can appeal that decision. If Farmers Insurance denies a claim, they must send you a notice of the denial with information about why your claim was not accepted and the instructions to file an appeal. Although many opt to go through the appeals process...
It is important to discuss your legal options with an attorney following a car accident. If you sustained injuries due to another driver’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. A traumatic car accident changes your life. The injuries you experienced—or the loss of a loved one—can leave you with significant medical and funeral bills...