Be Safe This Halloween and Have Fun!
Call or text Chalik & Chalik
(855) 529-0269We expect schools to keep our kids safe and return them home unharmed. When children are hurt at school as the result of negligence, parents may be able to hold the school liable for the children’s injuries. The School’s Duty of Care for Your Child Schools have a legal duty of care to provide a...
Our babies are precious and their safety is of the utmost importance to us. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that the leading cause of infant injury death is sleep-related suffocation. Choosing a crib that meets all safety guidelines will go a long way to protecting your baby from any dangers. As...
No one ever said parenting would be easy; in fact, it can get quite overwhelming at times. What daycare should I choose? What do I do if my child is being bullied? How do I make my teen understand the dangers of texting and driving? Where do I go for support when my child is...
The fear of accidents and injury shouldn’t be what scares your family this Halloween. It’s safety first when it comes to choosing the right costume and deciding on the evening’s events. Attorneys Jason and Debi Chalik, who are parents themselves, share their favorite Halloween safety tips. Getting Ready for Halloween Night The first step in...